Justin Bickett
Tomb Position
Assistant Relief Commander, Commander of the Relief, SentinelTomb Relief
2ndHighest Military Rank
SSGTomb Dates
Apr 2004 - Jun 2007Military Dates
Nov 2003 - Aug 2009Society Membership
Lifetime MemberHome City / State
Louisville, KY, KYCurrent City / State
Louisville, KYTomb Reflections
I will never forget the veterans that I met while serving at the tomb who had fought for our country at different times in our nations history. Although I was introduced, and even gave tours of the quarters to 4-stars and other high ranking officials, those memories pale in comparison to the memories of the vets that I had the privilege of shaking their hands and thanking them for their service.Units & Campaigns
3d United States Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)Awards & Decorations
Army Commendation Medal (w/1 OLC)Army Achievement Medal (w2/OLC)
Army Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Air Assault Badge
Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Identification Badge
Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
Is it true after two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as Guard of the Tomb, that there are only 600 presently worn, and that the Guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or give up the wreath pin?
The Tomb Guard Identification Badge (TGIB) is awarded after the Sentinel passes a series of tests. The TGIB is permanently awarded after a Sentinel has served nine months as a Sentinel at the Tomb. Over 600 have been awarded since its creation in the late 1950's (on average 10 per year). And while the TGIB can be revoked, the offense must be such that it discredits the Tomb of the Unknowns. Revocation is at the 3rd Infantry Regimental Commander’s discretion and can occur while active duty or even when the Sentinel is a civilian. The TGIB is a full size award, worn on the right pocket of the uniform jacket, not a lapel pin.