Michael R Belton
Tomb Position
SentinelTomb Relief
3rdHighest Military Rank
LTCTomb Dates
Jul 1991 - Jun 1992Society Membership
Lifetime MemberHome City / State
Live Oak, FLTomb Reflections
Becoming a SentinelMy First Walk
My Last Walk
And everything in-between...
Units & Campaigns
Special Operation Command Europe (SOCEUR)- Stuttgart, Germany (Jul 12-Present)HQ USAF, Air Staff, Pentagon- Washington DC (Jan 10-Jun 12)
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory- Laurel, MD (Aug 08-Aug 09)
Space and Missile Defense Command- Huntsville, AL (Aug 03-Aug 08)
Company Commander- A/203rd FSB, Ft Benning, GA (Nov 01-Aug 03)
Company Commander- E 1/507th PIR, Ft Benning, GA (Jun 00-Nov01)
SETAF, 22nd Area Support Group- Vicenza, Italy (Apr 99-Oct 99)
SETAF, 24th QM Co Parachute Rigger- Vicenza, Italy (Oct 96-Apr 99)
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery- (Jul 91-Jun 92)
Alpha Company, The Old Guard- Ft McNair, Washington DC- (Dec 88-Jul 91)
Awards & Decorations
Bronze Star (1 OLC)Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC)
Army Commendation Meda1 (2 OLC)
Air Force Commendation Medal
Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC)
Presidential Unit Citation
Army Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal (1 Star)
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Kosovo Campaign Medal
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
NCO Professional Development Ribbon
Army Service Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon
Air Assault Badge
Expert Infantryman Badge
Master AF Space Badge
Master Parachutist Wings
Parachute Rigger Wings
Italian Jump Wings
German Jump Wings
Tomb of the Soldier Identification Badge
3rd Infantry Division Combat Patch
Special Operations Command-Europe (SOCEUR) Combat Patch
Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
Why are the Sentinel's gloves wet?
Gloves are moistened to improve the grip on the rifle.