

Paul Olson

Tomb Position

Assistant Relief Commander, Sentinel

Tomb Relief


Highest Military Rank


Society Membership

Lifetime Member

Home City / State

Cary, IL

Current City / State

Ft. Rucker, AL

Tomb Reflections

My entire time at the Tomb. Just an amazing experience shared with great people. My only regret is I wish I had spent time in a line unit before being a Sentinel. My time in the 82nd only added to my appreciation for the experience of being there. Had I had that tenure first, my gratitude and thanks for the opportunity to be there would only have been greater. It was like being given a Bentley for your first car. You really can't appreciate it until you've owned a beater.

Units & Campaigns

Honor Guard Company, 3rd US INF (TOG), Ft. Myer, VA
B CO. 1-325 (AIR) 82nd Airborne DIvision, Ft. Bragg, NC
B CO. 7-101 159 CAB 101st Airborne Division, Ft. Campbell, KY
HHC 1 SBCT 4th Infantry Division, Ft. Carson, CO

Awards & Decorations

Army Service Ribbon, NCO Professional Development Ribbon, Overseas Service Medal (3), National Defense (2), Army Commendation Medal (3), Army Achievement Medal (2), Air Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Afghanistan Service Medal, Global War on Terror Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Nato Medal, MSM, BSM (Meritorious)

Presidential Unit Citation, Valorous Unit Award (2), Meritorious Unit Award (2)

EIB, CIB, CAB, Airborne, Air Assault, TGIDB, Aviator Wings

Support the Society

The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.