Education Committee Update
2 years ago
Brother and Sister Tomb Guards,
Over the next few months, and going into next year, we expect to have an increase in Educational Presentation requests. We are currently working with the Gold Star Mothers, Honor Flight, and the Vietnam War Commission to work on getting Tomb Guards to their meetings, or before flights to DC, to talk about the history of TUS and the Sentinels that stand the eternal vigil.

The “Ask”
This means that we need your support with these presentations. You have the knowledge to present a briefing (presentation) from your time at TUS. These organizations want to engage with you and hear what you have to say regardless of when you were at TUS. We have a basic presentation (PowerPoint) ready for you to use if needed, and all you have to do is add your information and photos. If you need help, we are here to help.
Cathy Lowe, the Outreach Coordinator, routinely reaches out to Tomb Guards to fill the requests that are coming in. She will reach out to our Tomb Guard members from the membership list provided by our administrative secretary. Expect to hear from her via email and/or phone if a presentation is in your state. Cathy is a volunteer with a tremendous amount of experience who is diligently working for the Society. Please, please take the time to respond to her emails or phone calls. A simple yes or no will work, but please do not leave her hanging. These organizations are waiting on us to provide a speaker (if we can) and it's not professional to leave them hanging as well. Timely responses reflect back on the Society.
If you do not want to be contacted by Cathy, send an email to and let her know.
Tracking and Metrics
This year many presentations are being done, but not recorded. If you are asked to do a presentation, and it's on behalf of the Society or representing the Society, please ask the requester to go online and fill out the request so we can track it. If they do not want it posted to our Events tab (which tells the public how active we are on education), they just have to put a note in the request, and we will honor that. Most importantly….let the Outreach Coordinator know if you have done ANY presentations this year as it benefits the Society to show our work.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Cathy at
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Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
Has anyone ever tried to get past the Tomb guards, or attempted to deface the Tomb?
Yes, that is the reason why we now guard the Tomb. Back in the early 1920's, we didn't have guards and the Tomb looked much different. It was flat at ground level without the 70 ton marble 'cap'. People often came to the cemetery in those days and a few actually used the Tomb as a picnic area, likely because of the view. Soon after in 1925, they posted a civilian guard. In 1926, a US Army soldier was posted during cemetery hours. On July 1, 1937 guard duty was expanded to the 24 hour watch. Since then, the ceremony has evolved throughout the years to what you see today. Today, most of the challenges faced by the Sentinels are tourists who are speaking too loudly or attempting to get a better picture (by entering the post).