From the President
2 years ago

Hello again Society Members. What a great end to the summer and the run into the fall season. It's been busy to say the least, but the good part of busy has been the events I've been a part of. It all started at the beginning of September with a trip to Montana and Chief Plenty Coups "Day of Honor". I won't go a lot into that as our PAO Chairman has put together a great piece that will cover it plenty (wait, did I actually pun that thing or what, yeah I did). Overall it was a great weekend of celebration and some dance... That I'll certainly leave for the PAO, and a tour of Little Big Horn National Battlefield (a second time in 3 months for me, as I was out there for work then). I highly suggest you make some plans next year to attend.

Now for the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. It was ASGM Weekend. They host an annual event here in DC each year to commemorate Gold Star Mother's Day. Sarah Whitledge Taylor, the new President, toured France with us and asked the Society to be a guest for the event this weekend. These ladies as you all know have made great sacrifices in their lives. Losing a child in any way is tough, but they lost their children in the defense of our country. Pride runs through their veins as well as sorrow. We owe a debt of gratitude to each one.

Meeting the rest of their Board this weekend was a very humbling experience I must say. They have a beautiful HQ home in DC and throughout it hangs many articles and artifacts about the history of the organization and its past leadership. You're always welcome to stop by (when they are in town that is) for a visit and tour through their home.

They just love everything about the Tomb and what it represents. I will say, Tomb Guards, any and all, are at the top of their list when it comes to their understanding and meaning of honor and respect to our fallen. They are extremely humble and share a love between each other that can never be separated. We signed an MOU together on Saturday that will stand as a bond between our two organizations, and they are very excited about the opportunities to start building their own Never Forget Gardens and even more so, having Tomb Guard Presentations at their chapter meetings. That being said, get your spits and your brass shined up, again, as well as your PowerPoint presentations edited and updated if needed, we could be busy in 2023 like we were in 2021 with DAR.

November 2023 is just shy of a year away, start making your plans for the 2023 Reunion. No details to pass along yet but there will be a Survey Monkey out soon with questions about your experience at the Centennial Society event just last year. Hopefully everyone takes the time to complete the survey as this will help us make your reunion experience one to remember, again.
Until next time, remember to reach out and help where you can at veteran shelters. They do need our help in any capacity and the mostly volunteer staff appreciates any helping hand.
Lonny LeGrand, Jr
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The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
What is the process to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
Wreath laying ceremonies are conducted thousands of times each year by many organizations. If you are going soon, there is likely no availability for conducting this ceremony as the slots fill up at least six months in advance. Please visit for more detailed information and to request that honor if you are part of an organization planning a visit.
Wreaths are provided or arranged to be delivered by the public. All questions you may have about that ceremony can be answered on the ANC website or through the cemetery staff.