Tomb Guard Assistance Program (TGAP) Update
2 years ago
Greetings, the Tomb Guard Assistance Program (TGAP) Co-chairs are seeking local Society members to support the Platoon. As some of you may be aware, earlier this year Carnell Nettles moved to San Antonio, Texas which caused a gap in the local support to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Platoon as related to Society.
That support entails at a minimum to be a physical presence at New Badge and Last Walk Ceremonies as needed on behalf of Society. This could also include attendance to occasional external events that current Platoon members are present for.
Typically, all notices for these events are generated greater than two weeks in advance and disseminated by the current Sergeant of the Guard (SOG). Duties would be simply to present coins during these events and take photographs on the behalf of the Society and then forward to TGAP Co-Chairs for social media use.
We need your Help
We would like to establish a list of Society members that are in the commutable area to the Arlington National Cemetery ANC. Dave Hathaway (Quartermaster) does a great job of preparing the items that are donated to the Soldiers and regularly represents the Society. Moving forward we would like to have a stronger Society presence with the Platoon in all areas, not just ceremonies.
If you currently live in Maryland, Virginia and/or District of Columbia we are soliciting your help. Please provide the following information:
Phone number
Badge number and years of service
We would like to stand up a process of helping and guiding the Tomb Guard Platoon in support of their personal development. This opportunity would be available to all members of the Society, including Associate and Legacy Members for the purpose of mentorship. Society members are asked to contact the TGAP with their contact information to be a volunteer . Members can volunteer professional or personal expertise that they feel would be beneficial to these young Soldiers.
Possible mentor candidates would be business owners, pilots, subject matter experts at applying for federal jobs, electrician, collector, executive, instructor, hunter, hobbyist or other professionals.
If you feel that you can provide other members with assistance in your field of experience and want to give back, feel free to volunteer.
Please send you information or requests to Paul Basso at or Carnell Nettles at Please include Contact information, areas of specialization that you could provide guidance and your availability and willingness to assist.
Paul Basso, Co-Chair (2000-04, 2015-17)
Carnell Nettles, Co-Chair (1983-85)
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Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
How many times will a Sentinel be on duty during the shift?
Each Relief has a 24 hour rotational work day. Ideally, four qualified Sentinels, one Relief Commander (RC), one Assistant Relief Commander (ARC), and several Sentinels in training comprise the Relief. The daily walk schedule is made by the RC or ARC and is dependent on the number of Sentinels who are proficient enough to guard the Tomb in front of the public. Generally, the Sentinel will do several walks back to back and then be done for the day. However, in extreme cases, Sentinels have been known to go back-to-back (every other walk) for the entire shift.