Centennial Sponsors
Please check back often as we are continuously updating the information on this page.
Centennial Sponsors
The Society would like to thank those organizations and individuals who have pledged their sponsorship of the Centennial Committee’s mission to education and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 2021. Without their financial support our many educational and ceremonial initiatives would never have gotten off the ground. Thank you for your vision and sponsorship!
(listed in Alphabetical order – last updated Feb 20, 2022):
$25 - $500
- Donna Andersen
- Mike Arhutick
- Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
- Second Region
- Cathy Bailey, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Ron Bauman
- Barbara Cessna
- Marc Berridge, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Bruemmer, Hill, Spencer, and Collins Families
- Janis Coder
- Cameron and Michele Cosby
- Terence Costa
- John Dawson
- Loretta Dospil-Farley
- Mike Emerson
- Peggy Evans
- Nancy Flasck
- Daniel Foley
- Michael Forgy
- James and Cathy Foster
- Tim Frank
- Stephen Gates
- Cheryl Gawne
- Marc Gentry
- GFWC Legacy
- Jamie Ginder
- Barbara Greenfield, in Memory of Karen Azzaro
- Michael Hanna
- James Harding
- Beth Harris
- Bryan Haynes, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Craig Henley, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- DeWayne Hill, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Eden Hill
- Linda Hobbs
- Ellan M. Hove
- Ingham County Genealogical Society
- Michael Jankowski
- Greg Jewell
- Barbara Johnson
- David Jones, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Judy Jung
- Nicole Kahn
- Jenny Kefauver
- William King
- Eric Knight
- Barbara and Robert Lamb
- Lesicko Funeral Home
- Lisa Lesley
- Kenneth Leung
- Thomas Maher
- Lawrence & Mary Marvier
- McIlvenna Family
- William Mclain
- Michael Moix
- Tom Myers
- National Daughters of the American Revolution
- Alabama State Society
- Algonquin Chapter
- Ann Maria Lane Chapter
- Arlington House Chapter
- Balcones Chapter
- Battle Creek Chapter
- Beaver Chapter
- Betsey Hager Chapter
- Blue Ridge Regents Club Chapter
- Cameron Parish Chapter
- Captain Nathaniel Mills Chapter
- Cherokee Chapter
- Chief Whatcom Chapter
- Colorado State Society
- College Hill Chapter
- Estahakee Chapter
- General Josiah Harmar Chapter
- Genesee Chapter
- Gold Trail Chapter
- Isabella Chapter
- James Hardage Lane Chapter
- Jemima Boone Chapter
- Job Winslow Chapter
- John Alden Chapter
- Jonas Babcock Chapter
- Kentucky Society Chapter
- Lewis-Clark Chapter
- Linares Chapter
- Louisa St. Clair Chapter
- Magnolia Chapter
- Major Francis Grice Chapter
- Michigan Dunes Chapter
- Michilimacinac Chapter
- Missouri State Society DAR
- Monguagon 4065 Chapter
- Multnomah Chapter
- Muskegon Chapter
- Nipissing Chapter
- Ottawa Chapter
- Pentagon Chapter
- Phillip Livingston Chapter
- Piety Hill Chapter
- Prarie Chapter
- Rebecca Dewy Chapter
- Reverend John Clark Chapter
- Sashabaw Plains Chapter
- Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter
- Sara De Soto Chapter
- Stoney Creek Chapter Regent
- Swallow Cliff Chapter
- Tennessee State Society
- Texas State Society
- Three Flags Chapter
- Toll Gate Creek Chapter
- US 12 Heritage Trail Chapter
- Valley Forge Chapter
- Virginia State Society
- Virginia State Society, District V
- Whispering Pines Chapter
- Peggy Osborne
- Louise Palermo
- Craig Pickerel
- G.R. Presnell
- Anthony Rouchon, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Anthony Salvate, in memory Giuseppe Salvate, PVT CO A 38th Infantry World War I
- Marcia R. Sasser-Carrow
- Wesley Semple
- Rob Severson
- Adele M. Sherwood
- John Shumate
- Karen Stark
- Patrick Sutliff
- Bill Swan
- Louis Tallerico
- John Talbott
- SFC Gary Tichenor & Family
- Kathleen Toomey
- Mary Tucker, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- VFW Auxiliary Post 2496
- RaeAnna Victor
- Colonel Robert Walker
- Julia Ward
- Wash & Nova Company of Jamestowne
- Paul Wagner, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Shane Ward
- Carol Weatherholt
- Wreaths Across America - Brazos Valley
- Loriann White
- Peter Winokur, in memory of Karen Azzaro
- Peter Wolcott
- Debbie Worden
- Women in Military Service for America Memorial Foundation
- Loriann White
- Dan & Mary Yarbrough, for Vietnam Unknown Flight Crew
- Cheryl Zeffer
- Carol Zobel
$501 - $1000
- Alabama Republican Party
- Andrew Saidel
- National Daughters of the American Revolution
- Oneonta Chapter
$1,001 - $5000
- John C. Dawson
- Craig Fallon
- Jerry and Joanne Wallace / National Christian Foundation
15,001 - $20,000
- Mrs. Dorothy Cosby and family in memory of COL (Retired) Neale Cosby (1958-60)
Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
Is the rifle that the Sentinel carries loaded?
Tomb Guards carry fully functional M14 rifles. Given the current climate surrounding the relatively recent tragic events in Canada (attack upon the guard at the Canadian War Memorial), we will no longer be answering questions relating to specifics regarding current security and armament at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We appreciate your understanding.
Rest assured, that the US Army has the post secured as it has been since we started guard duty at the shrine in 1926.