Centennial Supporters
Please check back often as we are continuously updating the information on this page.
Centennial Supporters
The Society would like to thank those organizations and individuals who have pledged their support of the Centennial Committee’s mission to education and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in 2021. By committing to bringing an educational presentation into their communities, planning and creating National Salutes or Never Forget Gardens, or general support of any of the centennial projects a lot of our educational and ceremonial initiatives would never have gotten off the ground. Thank you for your vision and support!
(listed in Alphabetical order – last updated December 21, 2021):
Non-Governmental Organization and Individuals:
- 3d Cavalry Regiment Museum
- 67th Company, 5th Marine Regiment Re-enactors
- Aerohistory Research & Reference Services
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
- American Gold Star Mothers, Inc
- American Legion
- American Legion Paris Post #1 (France)
- American Legion Paris Post #1 Auxiliary (France)
- American Legion National Press Club Post 20 (DC)
- American Legion Post 41 (MO)
- American Legion Evan Childs Post 97 (WA)
- American Legion Louis Leidl Post 116 (WA)
- American Rose Society
- American Society of Le Souvenir Français, Inc
- Arlington Rose Foundation
- Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
- AUSA – Columbia River Chapter (OR/WA)
- AUSA – 6th Region
- Boy Scout of America Troop 007 (Glenwood, MD)
- Richard Bowman
- Philip Bigler, Author
- Vanessa Broussard, 12 News ABC
- Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Simon Carr
- Carruth Studio
- Catholic War Veterans
- Cinebar Productions
- Columbia Gardens Cemetery
- Columbia Gorge Veterans Museum
- Congressional Medal of Honor Society
- David Conley, USN (Ret)
- MAJ (Ret) Drew Dix, Medal of Honor
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Alabama State Society (AL)
- Anasazi Chapter (AZ)
- Arlington House Chapter (VA)
- Betsey Hager Chapter (NE)
- Crater Lake Chapter (OR)
- Caymus Chapter (CA)
- Chief Whatcom Chapter (WA)
- College Hill Chapter (GA)
- Delaware County Chapter (PA)
- Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton Chapter (MI)
- Eulalona Chapter (OR)
- Emigrant Trail Chapter (MD)
- General Smallwood Chapter (MD)
- Green Mountain Chapter (VT)
- Latgwa Chapter (OR)
- James Blair Chapter (TX)
- James Tull Chapter (TX)
- Jonas Babcock Chapter (WA)
- Letitia Coxe Chapter (CA)
- Lydia Barnes Potter Chapter (MI)
- Mount St. Helens Chapter (OR)
- Multnomah Chapter (OR)
- Oro Fino Chapter (MT)
- Piety Hill Chapter (MI)
- Princess Anne County Chapter (VA)
- Rochambeau Chapter (FR)
- Rogue-Applegate Chapter (OR)
- Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter (MI)
- Sarah Treat Prudden Chapter (MI)
- Sugar Hill Chapter (FL)
- Texas State Society (TX)
- Toll Gate Creek Chapter (CO)
- US 12 Heritage Trail Chapter (MI)
- Valley Forge Chapter (PA)
- Virginia State Society (VA)
- Virginia State Society, District V (VA)
- White Tanks Chapter (AZ)
- Wasatch Range Chapter (UT)
- Exchange Club of Rome, GA
- Alexa Fish Ward, Family of Congressman Hamilton Fish III
- Flagship Olympia Foundation
- Fleet Reserve Association
- Forgotten Families Foundation
- Francis Roses
- Garden Angels INC
- General Society of the War of 1812
- George Washington’s Mount Vernon
- Michelle Y. Green, Author
- Gold Star Wives of American, Inc
- Jeff Gottesfeld, Author
- Grand Chancery of the Legion of Honor
- Harvest 360
- Heartland Men’s Chorus
- Independence Seaport Museum
- Jackson & Perkins Rose Company
- Jewish War Veterans of the USA
- Johns Creek Veterans Association Memorial Walk
- Korean War Veterans Association, Inc
- Denise Krepp, KDRKrepp Consulting
- Audrey J. Lambert
- Le Souvenir Francis
- Loyal Order of the Moose #1585
- Marine Corps Reserve Association
- Maryhill Museum of Art
- Military Officers Association of America – Portland Chapter
- Military Order of the Purple Heart Department of Virginia
- Danielle Murphy
- National Garden Clubs, Inc.
- National League of POW/MIA Families
- National Naval Officers Association
- National Rural Letter Carriers Association
- National Society Dames of the Court of Honor
- 1LT (Ret) J.R. Neubeiser, USMC
- CSM (Ret) Mike Oakley, USA
- Old Presbyterian Meeting House (Alexandria, VA)
- Patrick O’Donnell, Author
- Pebble Creek Retirement Community (Goodyear, AZ)
- Pine Run Retirement Community (Doylestown, PA)
- Roseraie Ducher, France
- Captain (Ret) Bob Sandweg, USN
- CSM (Ret) Dan Smith, USA
- Society of the War of 1812
- Sons and Daughters In Touch - America's Gold Star children from the Vietnam War
- Sons of the American Revolution
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, The Dalles (OR)
- Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery
- Tom Taylor
- The Flame under the Arc de Triomphe, Flame of the Nation
- The Maritime Executive
- The Old Guard Association
- The Old Guard Missouri Foundation, INC
- The United States Capitol Historical Society
- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Foundation
- United States Coast Guard Cutter Ingham Maritime Museum
- United States Naval Academy Alumni Association – Oregon and SW Washington Chapter
- USS Blandy Association
- USS Boston Shipmates
- USS Canberra Reunion Association
- USS Olympia Foundation
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Benjamin Franklin Post 605 (France)
- Victoria Cross and George Cross Association
- Washington State Governor’s Mansion Foundation
- Washington State Historical Society
- West Point Society (OR)
- Women in Military Service for America Memorial
- Jari Villanueva, Taps for Veterans
Governmental Organizations:
- 3rd United States Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)
- 437th Airlift Wing Historian, USAF
- American Battle Monuments Commission
- Arlington National Cemetery
- Chief Plenty Coups State Park, Montana
- City of Cabool, Missouri
- City of Chalons-en-Champagne, France
- City of Hood River, Oregon
- Embassy of Belgian
- Embassy of France
- Embassy of Italy
- Embassy of Romania
- Embassy of Poland
- Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue
- National Army Museum, United Kingdom
- National Cemetery Administration
- National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
- Commandant, Naval District Washington
- Navy History and Heritage Command
- Italian Army Historical Office
- The United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own”
- William R. Charette Memorial
- World War I Centennial Commission
Governmental Leadership:
- Mayor Benosit Appeared, Mayor of Chalons-en-Champagne, France
- Senator Tammy Baldwin (WI)
- Representative Don Beyer (VA)
- Colonel Rémi Bouzereau, French Military Attache’
- Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT)
- COL Marek Brylonek, Polish Defense Cooperation Attaché
- Senator Shelley Capito (WV)
- Senator Bill Cassidy (LA)
- Representative Steve Chabot (OH)
- Representative Mike Coffman (RO)
- Senator Christopher Coons (DE)
- Colonel Cătălin-Constantin, Romanian Military Attache’
- Senator Tom Cotton (AR)
- RADM (Ret) Samuel Cox, Navy History and Heritage Command
- Representative Dan Crenshaw (TX)
- General Bruno Dary, The Flame under the Arc de Triomphe, Flame of the Nation
- LTG (Ret) Joe DeFrancisco, Civilian Aid to the Secretary of the Army (N. VA)
- Representative John K. Delaney (MD)
- Senator Joni Ernst (IA)
- BG Georges Franchomme, Belgian Defense Attache’
- Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI)
- Colonel Filippo Gabriele, Italian Military Attache’
- Representative Bob Gibbs (OH)
- COL (Ret) Sherwod “Woody” Goldberg, Civilian Aid to the Secretary of the Army (Emeritus)
- Representative Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon (PR)
- Allen Hoe, Civilian Aid to the Secretary of the Army (Hawaii)
- Senator Johnny Isakson (GA)
- Senator Doug Jones (AL)
- Representative Walter Jones (NC)
- Senator Angus King (ME)
- Senator James Lankford (OK)
- Representative Brian Mast (FL)
- Representative Mark Meadows (NC)
- Representative Seth Moulton (MA)
- Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK)
- Representative Ralph Norman (SC)
- Representative Erik Paulsen (MN)
- Senator Marco Rubio (FL)
- Representative Bill Shuster (PA)
- LTC Jay Smith, Director, U.S. Army Foreign Liaison
- Senator Patrick Toomey (PA)
- Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD)
- Representative Peter Visclosky (IN)
- Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA)
- Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH)
- Craig Wilhelm, Civilian Aid to the Secretary of the Army (Oregon)
For further information on how you may help us, contact the Centennial Committee Chairman by clicking HERE
Support the Society
The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS) is able to provide our programs, events, assistance, scholarships, and services due to the generosity of its members, organizations, and individuals. SHGTUS does not receive institutional funding. Note: The Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contributions may be fully tax deductible.
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Did you know?
How does the guard rotation work? Is it an 8 hour shift?
Currently, the Tomb Guards work on a three Relief (team) rotation - 24 hours on, 24 hours off, 24 hours on, 24 hours off, 24 hours on, 96 hours off. However, over the years it has been different. The time off isn't exactly free time. It takes the average Sentinel 8 hours to prep their uniform for the next work day. Additionally, they have Physical Training, Tomb Guard training, and haircuts to complete before the next work day.